Dei Bruce Peninsula avevo parlato in relazione a Small Town Murder Songs, uno dei film più belli del passato Torino Film Festival. Sono una band canadese che mescola sonorità gospel al rock, e il loro nome deriva dalla Penisola di Bruce, un lembo di terra che si allunga nel lago Huron, nella provincia dell'Ontario. Il loro primo album, A mountain is a Mouth è uscito nel 2009, ed è una delle cose più interessanti che si possano ascoltare in giro ultimamente. Sono capaci di una rara potenza.
Mi è sembrata buona cosa festeggiare questa Pasqua con una loro canzone (anzi due, che c'è anche pasquetta).
Mi è sembrata buona cosa festeggiare questa Pasqua con una loro canzone (anzi due, che c'è anche pasquetta).
Oh my oh, I'll go for what you know
Who I own I know, I owe who knows who
I own my home or owe who knows who I owe
Why own when you can just
Sell it
Oh my oh, I'll go for what you know
Buy the city sell the farm
Either or / Either or
Either or / Either or not
Cause I could throw a rock
And put a hole
In the yard behind the beehive rows
Set along my road
Straighter than the treeline grows
We'll see this country in a car
Dinner in dining halls
Give to the grind and haul out
And let 'em tear the barn down
And let 'em put up
A new line of beehive rows
Well, I just couldn't call it my own any more
When they blocked up the road
W here the first would go
So let's die out
I know not to meddle
To keep off the path this steamroller runs
Been all set and settled
Since day one they've wanted
What I own I know, I owe who knows
Who I owe I know, I own who knows
Those gloves just take 'em off
Move before the city moves to us
And sucks the simple parts of living out from under us
Move before the city moves to us, to us, to us
So let's die out.
The greatest forest fire burned our forest down
Who I own I know, I owe who knows who
I own my home or owe who knows who I owe
Why own when you can just
Sell it
Oh my oh, I'll go for what you know
Buy the city sell the farm
Either or / Either or
Either or / Either or not
Cause I could throw a rock
And put a hole
In the yard behind the beehive rows
Set along my road
Straighter than the treeline grows
We'll see this country in a car
Dinner in dining halls
Give to the grind and haul out
And let 'em tear the barn down
And let 'em put up
A new line of beehive rows
Well, I just couldn't call it my own any more
When they blocked up the road
W here the first would go
So let's die out
I know not to meddle
To keep off the path this steamroller runs
Been all set and settled
Since day one they've wanted
What I own I know, I owe who knows
Who I owe I know, I own who knows
Those gloves just take 'em off
Move before the city moves to us
And sucks the simple parts of living out from under us
Move before the city moves to us, to us, to us
So let's die out.
The greatest forest fire burned our forest down