The Last Shadow Puppets è il side project dei britannici Alex Turner e Miles Kane, leader rispettivamente degli Arctic Monkey e dei Rascals. Su entrambe le band ci sarebbe parecchio da dire, ma in questo caso trovo sia importante e opportuno segnalare che, per la qualità della loro musica e il dinamismo con il quale si destreggiano nell'attuale panorama musicale, si tratta di due fra le formazioni giovanili più importanti di oggi. Sempre per non rimanere ancorati alla nostalgia dei bei gruppi di una volta, e pazienza se magari non tutti i loro dischi sono allo stesso altissimo livello.
Questa che segue è The meeting place, canzone tratta dal loro primo (e per ora unico) album del 2008: The Age of the Understatement. Qui un bellissimo live.
Perché senza nulla togliere alle doti canore di Alex e Miles, provate a immaginarla cantata da Frank Sinatra.
The Colder the night gets
The further she strains
And he doesn't like it
Being this way
And she tried so hard
To steer away
From the meeting place
But her heart had left her there
She clings to his consciousness
Wherever he layed
Struggles to sleep at night
And during the day
He's worried she's waiting in his dreams
To drag him back to the meeting place
His love had left in there
Where the voices still echoes
I'm sorry I met you darling
I'm sorry I met you
As she turned into the night
All he had was the words
"I'm sorry I met you darling
I'm sorry I left you"
Four weeks they had trolled around
Playing the fools
They knew the time would come
And time would be cruel
Because it is cruel to everyone
He is crying out from the meeting place
He stranded himself there
Where the voice still echo
I'm sorry I met you darling
I'm sorry I met you
As she turned into the night
All he had was the words
"I'm sorry I met you darling
I'm sorry I left you"
I'm sorry I met you darling
I'm sorry I've left you
The further she strains
And he doesn't like it
Being this way
And she tried so hard
To steer away
From the meeting place
But her heart had left her there
She clings to his consciousness
Wherever he layed
Struggles to sleep at night
And during the day
He's worried she's waiting in his dreams
To drag him back to the meeting place
His love had left in there
Where the voices still echoes
I'm sorry I met you darling
I'm sorry I met you
As she turned into the night
All he had was the words
"I'm sorry I met you darling
I'm sorry I left you"
Four weeks they had trolled around
Playing the fools
They knew the time would come
And time would be cruel
Because it is cruel to everyone
He is crying out from the meeting place
He stranded himself there
Where the voice still echo
I'm sorry I met you darling
I'm sorry I met you
As she turned into the night
All he had was the words
"I'm sorry I met you darling
I'm sorry I left you"
I'm sorry I met you darling
I'm sorry I've left you
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